Unit Book J1

J1 Synthetic View / Introduction

Errors for Unit J1

Lorenzo Crescioli – April 2011

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See MZ.

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The first season J1 was excavated during 2003 and it was constituted of a very long trench running East to West. The year after because the archaeological evidences found in the eastern end were considerable different from what to the West, the western end was renamed as A19, see Chronicle, initial sounding.
     Enche the data belonging to A19 are not included in the current J1 digital book. To have a complete list of the elements belonging to A19, see A19 elements.
     A common mistake is to skip a number in the sequential series of assigned numbers, for mistake. For example views v320-v328, relays (), q-lots (), etc.

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Mostly for the first season (MZ16) during 2003, even if the conceptual base for the Global Record was already set up, the archaeologists were not well trained yet. So many data are missing in comparison to the later seasons much more complete. The problem also regards the difficulty to incorporate the datas to the uniform and standard forms used later. Sometimes also the next seasons some datas were forgotten to be recorded, but just in few isolated occasions and the system and its quality is improving year by year. For examples texture, color or hardness sometimes were not recorded before the feature was removed (ex f242).

In 2003 and 2005 some procedures were not done that are now considered standard. For example, a large number of the q-items were not photogaphed in the early seasons when only interesting or representative objects were photographed. After 2005 it became standard practice to photograph every q-item. From 2009 many Early season objects were photographed, but there are still many q-items without photographs. Follow two lists of objects that next years need to be photographed, according to their importance.Priority 1 and priority 2.
     Other errors regard mistake made on the field, for example relays without solution because measurments taken are wrong (r306, r400-r402).

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