.bk J03 .fl W826jW.j .fd strata assignments and rationale for J3 East features .fn f500 thru f642 .ri jW .rd W826 .ed W826 .ei jW list2 f I4 I10 I11 I12 500 s80-J3B Continuous buildup of natural accumulation from period immediately following late Mittani abandonment. Ceramics not yet fully analyzed. The few items recovered are ubiquitous. 501 s80-J3B Rough pebble surface that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f500. 502 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f500. 503 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f500. 504 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f500. 505 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f500. 506 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f500. 507 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f500. 508 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f500. 509 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f500. 510 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f500. 511 s80-J3B Rough pebble surface that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f500. 512 s00-J3B Undifferentiated soil removed from an old baulk that was part of a previous excavation. 513 s30-J3B Layer of natural accumulation directly below topsoil f513. 514 s20-J3B Topsoil on tell surface. 515 s20-J3B Topsoil on tell surface. 516 s20-J3B Layer of natural accumulation directly below topsoil f515. 517 s80-J3B Soil in pedestal temporarily supporting a displaced stone in post-Mittani natural accumulation, f500. 518 s20-J3B Topsoil on tell surface. 519 s120b-J3B Displaced stone that sits in very late Mittani natural accumulation f534. 520 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in immediate post-Mittani accumulation f557. 521 s80-J3B Portion of second pebble surface that sits in post-Mittani accumulation f500. 522 s30-J3B Layer of natural accumulation directly below topsoil f518. 523 s20-J3B Surface topsoil in baulk. 524 s120a-J3B Displaced stone that sits in very late Mittani accumulation f535. 525 s120b-J3B Displaced stone that sits in very late Mittani natural accumulation f534. 526 s120b-J3B Displaced stone that sits in very late Mittani natural accumulation f534. 527 s120b-J3B Displaced stone that sits in very late Mittani natural accumulation f534. 528 s120b-J3B Displaced stone that sits in very late Mittani natural accumulation f534. 529 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in very late Mittani accumulation f565. 530 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in very late Mittani accumulation f565. 531 s30-J3B Displaced stone that sits in near-surface accumulation f513. 532 s144-J3B Middle Mittani stone apron built on accumulation atop the EDIII glacis that was an extension to the west of stone apron f556 Ceramics in covering accumulations date abandonment but not construction This stratum assignment was an interpolation of more secure assignments to abutting apron features f556 to the east and f10 to the west. We did not remove any of the aprons to expose their foundations. We presume that the aprons were swept clean as long as they were in use, so the overlaying accumulations can at best be used to date the abandonment of the aprons. Apron f556 was tentatively dated to stratum s148a by excavating material in a gap between it and the revetment wall. Because the stonework of f532 is more crude, we assume it was built somewhat later when construction resources were not as plentiful. 533 s120b-J3B Late Mittani accumulation built up under near-surface accumulation 522. 534 s120b-J3B Compacted natural floor below post-Mittani accumulation f500 and below late Mittani floor f566. Ceramics include painted ware. This feature lies south of apron f532. It covers the stones of both the EDIII wall, f569 and the large boulders, f591 placed above it in the late Mittani period. 535 s120a-J3B Natural accumulation that overlays part of apron f632 and that is covered by accumulations f513 and f516, 536 s20-J3B Topsoil on tell surface. 537 s50-J3B Layer of natural accumulation directly below topsoil f536. 538 s122c-J3B Lower levels of natural accumulation excavated south of revetment wall f569 and containing a large number of displaced stones. 539 s20-J3B Topsoil on tell surface. 540 s30-J3B Layer of natural accumulation directly below topsoil f539. 541 s80-J3B Immediate post-Mittani natural accumulation which is said to cut accumulation f542, Ceramics not yet fully analyzed. The few items recovered are ubiquitous. It probably is fill of a pit cut into f542. 542 s80-J3B Immediate post-Mittani natural accumulation under accumulation f537. Ceramics have not been fully analyzed. 543 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in immediate post-Mittani accumulation f557. 544 s50-J3B Pebbles arranged in a semicircle that rest on floor f547. Ceramics have not been fully analyzed and the few items recovered are ubiquitous. 545 s00-J3B Undifferentiated soil removed from an old baulk that was part of a previous excavation. 546 s50-J3B Ashy layer of soil near the stones of k544 and resting on floor f547, The ceramics have not yet been analyzed. The lone item was a fragment of an obsidian blade. The pebbles of f544 and the ashy soil of ff546 coupled with the blade fragment may be evidence of a temporary encampment. 547 s50-J3B Compacted natural accumulation relatively close to the surface which may have been the site of a temporary encampment. Ceramics have not been fully analyzed and the few items recovered are ubiquitous. 548 s60-J3B Natural accumulation covered by accumulation f547. Stratigraphically dates to post-Mittani period of unorganized occupation. Ceramics have not been fully analyzed and the few items recovered are ubiquitous. 549 s144-J3B A line of 12 large stones arrayed just to the north of the north edge of the second apron, f532. Their physical position and proximity to the second apron is strong evidence that they were originally a part of both phases of its construction. Unfortunately all stones do not appear in a single photo, but view v501of the deteriorated B6 trench, view v514 of the cleaned B6 trench (extending from k2 to k107), and v516 of the north side of k107 provides adequate documentation of this assignment. 550 s80-J3B Highest post-Mittani accumulation above the east half of the second apron, f556. The ceramics have not yet been analyzed. Some of the items are ubiquitous, but there are two animal figurines and a zoomorphic representation of the side of a fish, all of which indicate that occupation deposits must be adjacent. Since none were found above, we conclude that this layer was deposited at or soon after abandonment. 551 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in immediate post-Mittani accumulation f557. 552 s122a-J3B Natural late Mittani accumulation covered by accumulation f542. Pottery and bones were found within this feature, although the ceramics have not been analyzed. A chisel-like bronze item was also recovered. It has the same top elevation as floor f568, The bronze tool may indicate active use of the area during this period. 553 s120b-J3B Natural late Mittani accumulation covered by accumulation 550. Pottery and bones were found within this feature but not analyzed. The few items were ubiquitous. The excavator noted that this accumulation was a continuation of f550 above it. However the lower top and bottom elevations indicate that f553 was deposited earlier. 554 s50-J3B Displaced stone that sits in post-Mittani abandonment accumulation f537. 555 s80-J3B Cluster of five displaced stones that sit in accumulation f541. 556 s148a-J3B Middle Mittani stone apron built on accumulation atop the EDIII glacis that was an extension to the west of stone apron J2f132. Analysis of ceramics from accumulation which under-laid the apron indicated a mix of Late Chalcolithic and Mittani sherds, with the final opinion that the deposit was Mittani. 557 s80-J3B Natural accumulation beneath accumulation f533 and atop stone apron f532. The ceramics have not yet been analyzed. Kiln waste, the only item gives no clue as to the dating of this feature. 558 s30-J3B Natural accumulation beneath topsoil f523. Ceramics have not been fully analyzed and the obsidian fragment recovered is ubiquitous.. 559 s00-J3B Undifferentiated soil removed from an old baulk that was part of a previous excavation. 560 s00-J3B Undifferentiated soil removed from an old baulk that was part of a previous excavation. 561 s60-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f548, a period of unorganized occupation. 562 s60-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f548, a period of unorganized occupation. 563 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in immediate post-Mittani accumulation f557. 564 s80-J3B Displaced stone that sits in immediate post-Mittani accumulation f557. 565 s80-J3B Natural accumulation beneath accumulation f558 and atop natural floor f566. Ceramics have not been fully analyzed. A chisel-like bronze item was recovered. The bronze tool is indicative of either small-scale occupational activity after this area was generally abandoned or a lost heirloom. A similar tool was found in the somewhat earlier stratum, f552 in s122a-J3B. 566 s122a-J3B Naturally deposited floor beneath accumulation f565, abutting apron f556, and covering accumulation f570. Ceramics have not been fully analyzed. 567 s120b-J3B Displaced stone that sits in compacted floor/accumulation f534. 568 s122a-J3B Natural accumulation beneath accumulation f533, beneath floor ff552, and atop accumulation f570. Ceramics have not been fully analyzed and the only item recovered is ubiquitous. This accumulation is an important marker in that it covers the added capstones to the revetment wall f591, f593. However, since it abuts the second apron, f556, it illustrates that the apron was kept clean from the period of its construction until after even the modified revetment wall could no longer be seen. 569 s650d-J3B Revetment wall component to the temple mound securely dated by excavations of it in J1 and J5 to the Early Dynastic III period. 570 s160-J3B Natural accumulation beneath floor f568 in a gap between the stones of the second apron and the revetment wall. Ceramics were determined to be mixed from the Late Chalcolithic and Mittani periods, yielding an opinion that this deposit occurred in the Mittani period. One issue is whether this accumulation was sufficiently sealed from intrusions above. Starting from the tell surface there were 170 cm of accumulation above this accumulation. Each of the 6 layers was carefully excavated and cleaned before the excavation of the next began. Contamination from above is therefore unlikely. 571 s122a-J3B Natural accumulation beneath natural floor f534 and covering both natural accumulation f572 south of the revetment wall f569 and the baqaya glacis f594 north of the revetment wall. Ceramics have not been fully analyzed. Items include fragments of figurines and a bead, indicating active occupation but generic as to typology. 572 s122b-J3B Natural accumulation beneath accumulation f571 and atop natural accumulation f578. Ceramics have not been fully analyzed. With the exception of the head of an animal figurine (typologically generic) often found in Mittani and earlier occupation levels, the items are ubiquitous. 573 s122c-J3B Natural accumulation beneath accumulation f552, atop natural accumulation f577, and abutting revetment wall addition, f591. Ceramics have not been fully analyzed. 574 s120b-J3B Displaced stone that sits in very late Mittani accumulation f534. 575 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f576. Accumulation f576 was the next to lowest level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 576 s122c-J3B Natural accumulation beneath the late Mittani accumulation f572 and atop late Mittani accumulations f577 and f578. No ceramics were recovered from this feature. 577 s122d-J3B Natural accumulation beneath the late Mittani accumulations f573 and f576 to the south of and below revetment wall, f569. Neither the ceramics nor the sole item have been fully analyzed. This feature is equivalent to accumulation f578 excavated in the locus immediately to the west, This also marks the lowest level of accumulation excavated in season 2006-Q in the east half of J3. 578 s122d-J3B Natural accumulation beneath the late Mittani accumulation f576 to the south of and below revetment wall, f569. There were no ceramics or items recovered from this feature. This feature is equivalent to accumulation f577 excavated in the locus immediately to the east. This also marks the lowest level of accumulation excavated in season 2006-Q in the east half of J3. 579 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f576. Accumulation f576 was the next to lowest level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 580 s122c-J3B Apparently displaced stone that rests against the added capstones, f591, to revetment wall, f569. This stone abutted, but was not bonded to the late Mittani capstones added to the revetment wall. The best estimate of the time of deposition is near that of the capstones. 581 s650a-J3B Small section of the baqaya glacis that abuts and protects the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. The glacis would have been constructed immediately after the revetment wall was built. 582 s180-J3B Several mudbricks which either top or are imbedded in the baqaya glacis, f581, to revetment wall, f569. Because this part of the glacis is quite small and was not removed to sample its constituents, the stratum assigned is an estimate. The only thing we really know is that the EDIII baqaya surface was maintained and kept clean for many centuries after it was built. So, the stratum for the mudbricks must fall between s650a (glacis) and the s160 (overlying accumulation, f570). 583 s148b-J3B A layer of mudbricks atop Mittani accumulation f570 and the stones of the second apron, f556. This layer of bricks forms the foundation for the stones of the second apron, f556 and f532. 584 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f577 to the south of the EDIII revetment wall f569. Accumulation f577 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 585 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f576. Accumulation f576 was the next to lowest level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 586 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f577 to the south of the EDIII revetment wall f569. Accumulation f577 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 587 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f577 to the south of the EDIII revetment wall f569. Accumulation f577 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 588 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f577 to the south of the EDIII revetment wall f569. Accumulation f577 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 589 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f577 to the south of the EDIII revetment wall f569. Accumulation f577 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 590 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f577 to the south of the EDIII revetment wall f569. Accumulation f577 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 591 s122c-J3B Capstones laid on soil atop EDIII revetment wall f569. These stones were not removed so the soil foundation could be dated. However, since they were surrounded and topped by late Mittani accumulations, they can be dated to this period with relative certainty. More generally they fit an overall pattern of attempts to preserve the sacral nature of the area around the EDIII revetment wall despite rising levels of natural accumulations to the south of it, which indeed somewhat later covered the entire complex. 592 s00-J3B Undifferentiated soil from somewhere near the surface of k107. 593 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f578. Accumulation f578 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 594 s650a-J3B Small section of baqaya discovered in a test probe sunk along the north edge of the top of the EDIII revetment wall f569. Although this surface was covered by late Mittani accumulation f571, we date it to the EDIII period because it both abuts the revetment wall and is only found as part of the EDIII glacis associated with the revetment wall. 595 s00-J3B Undifferentiated soil removed from an area to the south of the revetment wall f569. 596 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 597 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 598 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 599 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 600 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 601 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 602 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 603 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 604 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 605 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 606 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 607 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 608 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 609 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 610 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 611 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 612 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 613 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 614 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 615 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 616 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 617 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 618 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 619 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 620 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 621 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 622 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 623 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 624 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 625 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 626 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 627 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 628 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 629 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 630 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 631 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 632 s122c-J3B Displaced stone that sits in late Mittani accumulation f538 to the south of and approximately 50cm below the top of the EDIII revetment wall, f569. Accumulation f576 was the penultimate level excavated in this loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 633 s20-J3B Topsoil on tell surface. 634 s30-J3B Layer of natural accumulation directly below topsoil f633. 635 s120a-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f535. 636 s00-J3B Undifferentiated soil from a stub baulk separating units J2 and J3. 637 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f578. Accumulation f578 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 638 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f578. Accumulation f578 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 639 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f578. Accumulation f578 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 640 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f578. Accumulation f578 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 641 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f578. Accumulation f578 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. 642 s122d-J3B Displaced stone that sits in accumulation f578. Accumulation f578 was the lowest level excavated in these loci. It has been securely dated to the late Mittani occupation period. endlist