.bk J03 .fl U830jW1.j .fd Pottery analysis .fn Mittani strata .ei jW .ed U830 .rd U822 .ri mKB list2 q A99 B20 K80 211 f171 90 no notes from mKB 172 f104 13 no notes from mKB 213 f174 32 no notes from mKB 151 f104 98 no notes from mKB 226 f171 6 no notes from mKB 256 f106 43 1 pipe end modern taken for Sherd Library; 1 thick rope decoration body; Mittani or Middle Assyrian jar with exterior rounded rim; 1 rim jar shoulder of Mittani body sherd with scrape mark from a bowl - taken for Sherd Library 153 f106 184 Phase 1 narrow neck jars with square rim; rope decoration body sherd; Mittani flat rim jar, squared rim bowl exterior tab handle small rim (imitation of Phase 1?) 155 f106 100 Mittani type ring base; Middle Assyrian rim of narrow rim jar 154 f106 34 body sherd with thick rope decoration; rest unclear 231 f106 22 body sherds plus 2 small jar rims; no clear the date 296 f220 142 1 Mittani flat rim medium bowl rim; and 1 small Mittani flat rim bowl 286 f220 47 1 Mittani flat rim bowl narrow rib below 303 f220 98 1 Phase 3 jar with folded over rim; 1 rope decoration body sherd; small jar with flat rim 278 f223 60 Possible Middle Assyrian string cut base; 1 body sherd with template decoration 300 f223 36 1 Simple ware cut base from Phase 1; 1 body sherd with template decoration; 1 work disk; 1 thick flat base possible Middle Assyrian; 1 Mittani painted body sherd 287 f223 68 jar with interior groove rim; Phase 1 small bowls; 1 jar with thick painted rim possible Middle Assyrian 306 f223 16 thick jar rim with narrow diameter Middle Assyrian; jar or bowl with wide flat rim Mittani 301 f234 60 1 Mittani bowl with simple rim and straight sides; low footed ring base Mittani or Middle Assyrian; 1 very large and thick storage jar rim - taken for Sherd Library 299 f223 2 only 2 body sherds 284 f224 20 1 large flat work disk - taken for Sherd Library; 1 body with comb decoration, 1 stamp seal given for item number and processing 289 f224 78 1 small low footed base Mittani or Middle Assyrian; 1 large flat bowl or jar rim probably Mittani but could also be Middle Assyrian; 1 body sherd with 3 parallel template lines 259 f202 102 narrow diameter Middle Assyrian jar rim, 1 Phase 1 bowl rim with exterior crescent shaped handle; 1 flat disk base probably Middle Assyrian, 1 jar rim with narrow rib below; 1 Imitation Metallic body sherd; 1 Phase 3 jar with parallel line and wavy line comb decoration 145 f98 106 1 thick flat rim jar, Mittani; 1 bowl with carination on the exterior but not the interior probably Phase 4; 1 small jar with wide flat rim Mittani; 1 unpainted Mittani flat plate 147 f98 58 1 Imitation Metallic ware; 1 thick body sherd near the base probably Middle Assyrian; 1 Ninevite V painted base 146 f100 42 1 Phase 4 double rim necked jar, 1 Mittani flat plate 148 f100 42 thick disk base with slight interior depression Middle Assyrian, 1 body sherd of narrow vessel with deep ribs on exterior Middle Assyrian; 1 high footed base Mittani period 178 f98 50 1 body sherd with exterior tab handle; 1 handle; 1 jar with interior groove rim 272 f221 54 1 body sherd with rope decoration; 1 large ring base; 1 jar with deep interior groove 297 f221 36 Phase 1 jar rim of globular jar; 1 body sherd with loop handle; 1 low disk base; 1 necked jar rim 304 f225 27 1 Phase 1 square rim bowl with exterior knob; 1 unpainted Mittani plate; 1 small disk base; 1 narrow rim jar 295 f234 60 1 disk base; 1 jar with interior grooved rim, 1 work disk 298 f225 25 1 ring base; 1 jar with interior groove 274 f2 188 1 Ninevite V painted base; 3 Phase 1 globular jars; 1 handle; 1 Mittani jar with straight side 193 f141 8 1 Middle Assyrian base 243 f191 142 Phase 3 body sherd with combed decoration; 1 Mittani flat rim of jar or bowl; 1 jar with interior groove rim; 1 Ninevite V painted base; 1 small jar with wide flat rim 180 f141 52 1 Khabur jar neck; 1 nipple base Middle Assyrian; 1 painted Ninevite V base; 1 ring base; 1 handle; 1 wide flat rim of Mittani jar; bowl with square rim; body sherd with deep exterior ribbing probably Mittani period 194 f147 58 1 large Mittani plate unpainted; large bowl with wide flat rim; 1 Phase 1 cup with cut base; 2 LC bowls; 1 painted Ninive V base 187 f141 31 1 ring base; 1 bowl with interior folded rim; 1 large jar with interior groove, 1 globular jar; 1 jar with folded rim 288 f191 38 1 Phase 4 ribbed rim; 2 Mittani jar with wide flat rim 521 f537 33 1 body sherd with 3 template lines possibly Phase 4; 1 small jar with folded rim 519 f537 33 1 small footed base; rest body sherds 518 f537 64 1 hand formed body sherd; with relief lines on the exterior (given for analysis as a q item); 1 jar with folded rim and interior groove; 1 straight nicked bowl; 1 small jar with wide flat rim; 1 necked jar with painted rim 522 f537 78 1 large plat base; 1 Ninive V cup with wide exterior ribs; 1 body sherd with 3 parallel incised lines 517 f535 64 1 thick body sherd with oval impression; 1 Mittani jar with wide flat rim; Simple ware jar with globular body; 1 Simple ware bowl with squared rim; 1 Middle Assyrian nipple base; 1 Mittani plate unpainted 516 f533 80 1 body sherd with exterior tab handle; 1 painted Mittani handle; 1 flat base; 1 ring base; 1 medium carinated bowl 590 f540 126 1 late Ninevite V decorated; 1 rope decorated; 1 body sherd with wide template lines; small and medium necked jars 549 f540 240 1 large storage jar rim; 1 handle; 1 necked jar; 1 globular jar; 1 Metallic ware body sherd 523 f540 190 1 large storage jar rim; 2 Phase 3 comb decorated; 1 earlyNinevite V; 1 Metallic ware necked jar with flat rim; 1 ring base; 1 small bowl with folded rim; 1 Simple ware slightly convex base 550 f540 265 many small sherds; 1 Phase 4 ribbed decoration with crescent shaped impressions; 1 Phase 4 template decoration; 1 Mittani bowl with wide flat rim; 1 Mittani jar with wide flat rim; 1 globular jar; 1 unpainted Middle Assyrian plate; 1 work disk; 1 whole mouth jar endlist