.bk J03 .fl R719jW.j .fd A12 and su for a12-a15,a18 .ei jW .ed R719 .rd R719 .ri jW a 12 A12 v145 sm A group of disparite elements (pit, spoils from its digging, and seal impressions in the spoils) in the NW corner of k23. a 13 A12 v153 sm A collection of jewelry items in accumulation just south of and below the top of the revetment wall in k109. a 14 A12 v122 sm A group of seal impressions found just north of pit a10. a 15 A12 v146 sm A group of deteriorated red brick structures and pits in the NW corner of k23 marking the transition from a later wahal glacis to an earlier baqaya glacis. a 18 A12 v158 sm The glacis and wall system which formed the BA Temple mound at the time of its construction in the Early Dynastic period.