.bk J03 .fl Q816vE.j .fd daily journal of J03 East .fn edited by eI on R814 and jW on R920 .ri vVE .rd Q816 .ed Q816 .ei vVE -dy Excavation continued in k2 and a new square was started to the East of k1: k106. The stones of features f503, f504, f505, f506 and f507 in k01, that were planned to be removed in the morning, were left in place because gB changed our strategy. Following gB's suggestion, we will try to create a clear picture of how the temple terrace looked like at the end of phase 6b and the Middle Assyrian period. Several baulks will have to be removed to give a clear view on the scattered stones, the second apron, the revetment wall and the glacis in J3. -sg A new strategy has been outlined by gB. We will first remove the East baulk of k1, ie. the baulk between k1 and k106 to uncover f519. When k106 has been excavated to the same level, it is very likely that new scattered boulders will have become visible. The North baulk of k1 will be removed to give a clear view on the top of the second apron, f532. The East baulk of k12 will also be removed to give a clear view of the glacis in k12 and k13. k 2 dy Excavation continued in f533 where we reached the elevation of the top of the stones of the second apron. A new feature will be assigned to these deposits tomorrow. f535 was started in the northern part: both the bottom of the German trench B6 in BA and the bottom of f513. f 533 dy We continued to excavate f533 until we reached the level of the top stones of f532 (the second apron). It should be noted that f532 seems to be on its lowest point here: a little further to the East the top of f532 in the German trench is one row of stones higher. I decided to close this feature to maintain stratigraphic control although there exist no very distinct differences between when it was first uncovered and the bottom of f533 as now defined. Because the second apron, f532, will be dated by the pottery in f533 that is lying directly on top of the steps of f532, such a measure of stratigraphic control seems called for. f 535 dy The surface of the northern part, which consists of the bottoms of f513, f516 and the German trench BA, was still rather uneven and high, especially along the edges. Most of these deposits were probably collapse that had occured since the trench had been finished. We were however very close to the bottom, because after excavating this area new deposits were occuring. Pieces of mud bricks were found and a softer ashy area. ds Feature f535 is very slightly reddish, very light brown deposit. A few pieces of bone were found here; this is remarkable because none seem to have been found so far in the deposits that cover the second apron, f532 or the scattered stones a500. k 106 dy The locus East of k1 was opened as k106, because k100-k105 had already been used in previous seasons. Like k1, part of k106 has been excavated in previous campaigns as a part of J2. The eastern half of k106 had been excavated much deeper as the start of the stepped baulk of J2. The western half had not been excavated yet. f536 is the top soil of this half of k106 and f537 is the natural accumulation underneath f536. f 536 ds Feature f536 is the top soil of the western half of k106. tc co f537 f 537 ds Feature f537 is the natural accumulation under top soil f536. It is a very slightly reddish, very light brown deposit. f 538 pb This feature number was accidentally skipped, so no new feature has been assigned to it.