.bk A14 .fl N829jl.j .fd journal entries .ed N829 .ei jl .ri jl .rd N813 k 100 nr As of today, k100 no longer exists. To simplify excavation, we are returning it to its original definition, as the north baulk of k1. We will use k1 feature numbers exclusively from now on, to describe both older k1 material and the equivalent k100 material. f 139 ds This was a very red block of soil surrounded by a ring of gray soil (f140). At first, we believed that it was perhaps fill within a pit or the bricky covering over a burial. However, as we excavated, we discovered that it was very loose (i.e. not bricky) and full of modern trash and pieces of burlap. Now, we believe that it was the fill of a modern burlap sack used in our own excavation. One can even see the burlap impression in section (see v87a). sg We will discontinue digging this feature for now (we seem to have reached the end of it anyway) and switch to the gray soil (f140) which surrounds this feature like a shell (see v86, v87). f 82 nr Today, we discontinued k100 and reidentified it as the north baulk of k1. For this reason, f82 now applies to all of the fill within the pit a9, including f86 and all other a9 fill features in k100. In the future, we will not use the k100 numbers, preferring instead the k1 number. v 87 ds This view shows the decayed burlap bag f139 and the gray shell f140 around it. In v87a, it is possible to see the burlap impressions in the north section. f 86 nr As of today, this feature is subsumed under f82, because we have discontinued k100. The k1 feature numbers will be used in preference to an equivalent k100 feature number from now on. f 140 ds This was the dark gray soil surrounding f139. At first, we believed that it was the fill of an ancient pit. Now, however, it is clear that it covers f139, so it seems to be modern accumulation. k 1 nr As of today, k100 has been discontinued. Therefore, the area previously known as k100 is now the north baulk of k1 again, its original designation. From now on, k1 feature numbers will be used for all excavation, even for equivalent k100 features.